Periodontal Therapy

Miami Healthy Smiles incorporates the latest techniques, materials and equipment to provide our patients with exceptional service. Click on the procedures listed below to learn more information about the variety of ways we provide Periodontal Therapy.


When the damage caused by periodontal disease has progressed to the point that it can not effectively be managed with non-surgical treatment, there are a variety of options available to help you keep your teeth. The bone lost as a result of the periodontal disease can often be regenerated and pockets that retain bacteria can be reduced to improve your ability to clean and maintain your teeth. 

  • Crown Lenghtening

When getting a crown, your dentist must prepare your tooth to receive the crown. Sometimes there is not enough tooth surface above the gum line to accomplish this. Dr. Witkin, Dr. Centurion, and Dr. Besu can use crown lengthening to provide more tooth surface. This ensures a more esthetic and stable crown for long-term success and comfort. Also, if you have a "gummy" smile or an uneven gum line, crown lengthening can make your teeth look longer and more even.

  • Osseous Surgery

Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects bone and gums around teeth. When supporting bone and gums around teeth are affected gum pockets will form. If left untreated these deep gum pockets collect even more bacteria, producing dental bone loss. Eventually, if too much bone is lost, the teeth will need to be extracted.

Osseous surgery is a gum pocket reduction procedure during which infected bone and gum tissue will be removed and areas where bacteria can hide will be cleaned and smoothed out. This will allow gums to better reattach to healthy bone and eliminate gum pockets.


  • Scaling & Root Planing

Scaling and Root Planing is a nonsurgical procedure, done under a local anesthetic, whereby plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line are scraped away (scaling) and rough spots on the tooth root are made smooth (planing). Smoothing the rough spots removes bacteria and provides a clean surface for the gums to reattach to the teeth. Scaling and Scaling & Root Planing is done if Dr. Centurion, and Dr. Besu determine that you have plaque and calculus (hardened plaque, also called tartar) under the gums that needs to be removed.

Plaque is a soft, sticky mixture of bacteria, waste products from bacteria, and some food debris. It irritates the gums, or gingiva, and causes inflammation over time: gingivitis. The longer plaque is left on the teeth, the harder it gets. After 24 hours, some plaque hardens into calculus, otherwise known as tartar. Calculus is mineralized plaque and does not come off with the brush and floss anymore. The bacteria in plaque and calculus cause an ongoing state of inflammation called gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to a more serious disease called periodontitis. The most common treatment for periodontitis is scaling and root planing.

  • Periodontal Maintenance

Once a patient is diagnosed with Periodontal Disease they are now and forever considered a "Periodontal Patient". If you have Diabetes or high blood pressure, you will always be evaluated by your doctor to prevent progression of the disease. A patient diagnosed with cancer, high blood pressure and/or Diabetes, doesn’t just get treated and then never see their doctor for regular preventive measures. This is the same protocol for patients diagnosed with Periodontal Disease. For that reason the doctor will recommend a regular recall schedule for your periodontal maintenance visit. This visit may be alternated with a maintenance visit to your dentist.

The doctor may also recommend a visit with our hygienist for Oral Hygiene Instructions. In addition to regular maintenance visits a daily oral hygiene regimen is needed to remove the dental plague that causes tooth decay and gum disease. Proper flossing and brushing techniques can make all the difference in achieving and maintaining dental health. Practicing good oral hygiene at home is an important piece of the oral hygiene puzzle; we can share with you the techniques and tools best suited for you.

After periodontal therapy, it is critical that you continue with regular periodontal maintenance appointments to maintain the healthy condition that has been achieved through treatment. This also allows for oral examinations and regular check-ups to identify cavities or any potential concerns. Failure to have professional preventive care at the recommended interval is the most frequent reason that periodontal disease recurs.

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