Emergency Dentist

You can’t always plan your dental needs — emergencies happen. And, when they do, the expert team at Miami Healthy Smiles is ready to help. If you suffer trauma, a sudden pain, or another dental issue that can’t wait, call the Miami office immediately, or request an appointment online.

Emergency Dentist Q & A

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is an oral care problem that just can’t wait for a scheduled appointment. Examples of emergencies include:

  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Pain and swelling in soft tissue such as the gums or inner cheek
  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • Intense tooth pain
  • Toothache

Miami Healthy Smiles has some late night and Saturday hours that may accommodate an emergency that doesn’t occur during traditional business hours.

What should I do if I knocked out a tooth?

Get in touch with the office immediately. The sooner you get care, the better chance the tooth can be salvaged.

Wipe the tooth gently being careful not to over manipulate the root portion of the tooth. Place the tooth in your mouth (between your teeth and cheeks) and, if possible, insert it into the socket itself.

Wipe the tooth off without removing the tooth root and hold it in your mouth, between your gum and check or in the socket itself. If this isn’t possible, place it in a glass of milk until you get to the office.

How do I address swelling or bleeding in soft tissue?

For soft tissue injuries, rinse your mouth with warm water, and apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth at the location of the injury. Call Miami Healthy Smiles, and head in for an evaluation and treatment.

What should I do for a toothache?

If you wake up with a toothache or one develops suddenly over the course of the day, rinse your mouth with warm water. Use dental floss to check for any food caught between your teeth. A cold compress and over-the-counter medications can ease the pain until you get into the office.

What if I cracked or chipped a tooth?

Immediately rinse your mouth with warm water if you cracked a tooth. Apply cold compresses to your face to minimize swelling and head to the office.

A chipped tooth isn’t always an emergency, but it’s a good idea to have it examined as soon as possible.

What if I am not sure my dental concern is an emergency?

Call the office if you have any questions. The helpful staff at Miami Healthy Smiles can evaluate your symptoms over the phone and determine if you should come in to have the issue addressed immediately or if your condition can wait for a standard appointment.

For dental emergencies, call Miami Healthy Smiles, or schedule an appointment online.

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