Laser Therapy

Waterlase Dentistry™ Clinical Uses

Waterlase® was first cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to cut tooth structure in 1998, and since that time has received numerous additional clearances from the FDA for a wide range of procedures on teeth, bone and gum tissue.

Patented Hydrophotonic™ Technology

Waterlase® Dentistry uses a patented technology combining YSGG laser energy and a spray of water, a process called HydroPhotonics™, to perform a wide range of dental procedures on teeth, gum, and bone more comfortably. Waterlase® is a versatile tool that allows dentists to prepare teeth, bone, and gum tissue with less trauma and do procedures that in the past could not be done with traditional tools such as the drill and scalpel. Dr. Centurion, and Besu will determine what type of treatment is appropriate for your needs.

Proven Technology, Comfortable Care

Lasers have become the standard of care in medicine for many surgical and cosmetic procedures such as LASIK, gamma knife therapy, facial dermal rejuvenation, hair removal and many others. The Waterlase® was approved for hard tissue procedures in 1998 and since has been cleared for numerous additional dental procedures. Sufficient research now exists to support many periodontal procedures. Numerous qualified dentist around the world have performed millions of gentle procedures with very favorable results

Patient Comfort

Heat, vibration, and pressure are the primary causes of pain associated with the use of the traditional dental drill. The dental drill noise is disconcerting to many. Since cutting both hard and soft tissues (teeth and gums) with the Waterlase® does not generate heat, vibration or pressure, many dental procedures can be performed with fewer less anesthesia is needed for many of the procedures, Additionally, using the Waterlase® for gum procedures reduces bleeding, post-operative pain, swelling and the need for pain medication in many cases. All this with minimal noise!

Accuracy & Precision

Waterlase® dentists are able to prepare the bone and gum tissue precisely while leaving surrounding areas unaffected. This promotes quicker healing and less post-operative discomfort.

Less Bleeding & Swelling

The Waterlase® performs many soft tissue (gum) procedures with little or no bleeding and less post-op swelling.


The Waterlase® is extremely versatile. It can be used for a wide range of hard and soft tissue procedures. Here is a partial list of treatments for which Drs. Centurion, and Besu currently offer laser therapy as a treatment option:

Remove Oral Growths – The laser can be used to remove oral tissue growths including gum tissue over an unerupted tooth tissue tags, and growths called fibromas.

Cosmetic treatment – Contouring or shaping gums using the laser will improve the appearance of a smile – safely removing excess gum tissue that may be the cause of a "gummy" smile, or make front teeth appear irregular in size and shape as well as establishing a harmonious gingival smile!

Periodontal Therapy – The laser can be used to remove debris and bacteria between teeth and gums that can cause bleeding gums, bone loss, gum recession, and even loss of teeth. Traditionally reserved to either scaling and root planning or more aggressive surgical procedures, the use of the laser has been shown to reduce pockets , eliminate bacteria, and in some cases even stimulate bone regeneration. All this with minimal intervention and post treatment discomfort and swelling.

Tooth extraction

Deep pocket therapy

Crown lengthening

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