Laser Therapy

Traditional periodontal surgical treatment involves gum reflection as well as suturing. If your periodontal disease is diagnosed early enough, you may be a candidate for alternative laser therapy. At Miami Healthy Smiles, the expert team is trained on the Waterlase YSGG Laser for a more comfortable procedure without sacrificing quality. To learn more about how you can benefit from this less painful approach to dental procedures, call the Miami office or schedule an appointment online.

Laser Therapy Q & A

What is Waterlase?

Waterlase is an innovative treatment procedure that is cleared by the FDA for a wide range of procedures on your teeth, bone, and gums.

Waterlase Dental Laser uses YSGG laser energy and a spray of water, a patented combination called Hydrophotonics™, to make periodontal procedures more comfortable during as well as post-surgically. With this technology, the periodontists at Miami Healthy Smiles are able to perform treatments with less trauma on your teeth and the adjacent tissues. Under the correct circumstances, certain procedures that traditionally could only be treated by conventional surgery are now doable with the Laser.

Waterlase offers a gentle way to prepare your oral tissue and teeth for treatment. The laser energy technology prepares the bone and gum tissue while leaving surrounding areas unaffected. As a result, you get quicker healing and less discomfort after treatment. In many circumstances, no scales, drills, or suturing is required.

What dental conditions can Waterlase address?

Waterlase is extremely versatile, having the potential for hard and soft tissue procedures. Some of the procedures the team at Miami Healthy Smiles performs with the technology include:

  • Removal of oral growths, such as tissue tags, or fibromas
  • Periodontal therapy to remove debris and bacteria between teeth and alleviate gum inflammation
  • Soft tissue biopsies
  • Alleviate chronic and recurrent oral ulcers
  • Treatment of generalized early and localized moderate periodontal infections
  • Cosmetic treatments, such as gum contouring for a less gummy smile or smoothing out irregularly shaped teeth

Why is laser treatment less painful?

The primary causes of pain in traditional dental procedures using a drill are heat, vibration, and pressure. The very noise of the drill can cause anxiety for some patients. Waterlase doesn’t require heat or vibration or pressure to cut through your oral tissue, so you feel more comfortable during treatment. This means less anesthesia in many cases.

The Waterlase results in less bleeding, swelling, and post-operative pain, so you need less after-care pain medication, too.

To learn about your options for quieter, less painful dental procedures with Waterlase, call Miami Healthy Smiles, or schedule an appointment using the online tool.

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